Magnet Fishing - Interview

This week I interview Sascha who is the Mod on the huge subreddit of r/magnetfishing Sascha takes me to school taking me from magnet fishing noob to at least a better informed magnet fishing noob.
Hey Everybody. Welcome! To Episode 58 of the metal detecting show podcast. My Name is Ciaran and I have been Metal Detecting for nearly 30 Years. This week I interview Sasha who is the Mod on the huge subbreddit of r/magnetfishing Sasha takes me to school taking me from magent fishing noob to at least a better informed magnet fishing noob.
Hey everyone before we start I want to thank you for listening to the podcast and I hope you enjoy the episode this week If you want to support the show there are many options available from the links in the episode notes below and if you want to interact with me and the show that information is there too.
but most importantly If you like this content please don’t hesitate to tell your friends and don’t forget to hit that subscribe button.
Hey Everyone Thanks for listening to this week’s Episode before we get into the interview I want to announce the winner of our monster giveaway. And that winner is James Dickens
Out of flordia who is a long time listener of the show and is still in shock with the realisation of his great win. Well done James and watch out for that delivery man your Equinox will be winging its way to you this week.
1. Tell me about the reddit community of magnet fishing.
2. What do you call yourselves magnet fisher men/women ?????
3. Do a lot of magnet fisher people metal detect.
4. Why do you magnet fish.
5. Where did it originate.
6. What are you looking for.
7. Is it all Iron your finding.
8. What do you do with the stuff.
9. Can you make money magnet fishing.
10. A lot of finds seem related to criminal activity, knives, guns, safes, bikes what the process for dealing with stuff that’s stolen.
11. Safety is it dangerous what to do is you find ordinance.
12. What the bucket lister finds for magnet fishing.
13. Why is it so popular recently.
14. Is there clubs for magnet fishing.
15. How to choose a magnet.
· Chinese websites yes or no
· Is bigger better
· 2 sides or one side
16. Is there any laws to be considered.
17. Where are the magnet fishing hotspots in the world for example Amsterdam with all the bikes.
18. Magnet sweeping.
19. What do you wish you knew when you started magnet fishing that you know now.
Wrap Up
That’s it for this week’s I hope you liked this episode of the metal detecting show podcast.
Check out our website for this episode show notes.
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If you would like to leave me a voice mail please do so on the link will be in the show notes.
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Once again, I hope you have enjoyed this episode and we will chat to you all again next week.
Get out there eyes down and Happy Hunting.